4–43.If the spring pressure applied to4-44.4–45.4–46.the clutch driving plate isincreased rapidly, what, ifanything, happens to the amount ofclutch slippage?1.It increases gradually2.It increases rapidly3.It decreases rapidly4.NothingWhen a truck having a 4-speedtransmission is in fourth gear, thepropeller shaft and the enginecrankshaft rotate at a ratio of1. 1:12.1:23. 2:14.3:2A heavy truck with a 7:1 gear ratioin a 4–speed transmission is movingalong at 6 miles per hour in lowgear.The driver shifts thetransmission through second andthird to fourth gear.About howfast will the truck be moving infourth gear if the driver keeps theengine turning at the same rate asit was turning in low gear?1.6 mph2 .30 mph3.42 mph4.54 mphHow does the constant meshtransmission reduce noise?1.By using spur–tooth rather thanhelical gears2.By using helical rather thanspur–tooth gears3.By using main shaft meshinggears that are able to moveendwise4.By using soundproof paddingaround the transmission units4–47.What is the function of thefriction cone clutch in asynchromesh transmission?1.To engage the main drive gearwith the transmission mainshaft2.To engage the first-speed mainshaft with the transmissionmain shaft3.To equalize the speed of thedriving and driven members4.To engage the second–speed mainshaft with the transmissionmain shaft4–48.The synchromesh transmission shownin figure 13–10 of your textbookengages the notches at the innerends of the bell cranks by which ofthe following means?1.Shifter forks2.A first–speed clutch3.Poppets4.A dog clutch4-49.What device usually provides themeans for engaging automaticallythe front-wheel drive on a 6–wheeldrive vehicle?1.The sprag unit2.The power takeoff3.The auxiliary transmission4.The two–way clutch4-50.In an automotive vehicle the powertakeoff that supplies power to the!auxiliary accessories is attachedto which of the following units ofthe power train?1.The transmission2.The auxiliary transmission3.The transfer case4.Each of the above38
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