Assignment 8RefrigerationandAirConditioningTextbook Assignment: Engineman1&C,NAVEDTRA 10543-E1, Pages 6-1 through 7-4Learning Objective: Indicate how theoutput of reciprocating refrigerationcompressors can be controlled and pointout some of the precautions and practicesthat must be followed when maintainingcompressor condensers, and thermostaticexpansion valves.Question 8-1 is to be judged True orFalse.8-1.The output of most high speedreciprocating compressors is controlled byloading and unloading the compressorcylinders.8-2.In figure 6-8 of your textbook, what willhappen when an increase in oil pumppressure causes the piston of the capacitycontrol valve to move against spring A?1.More cylinders will become loaded andthe compressor output increases2.More cylinders will become unloadedand the compressed output decreases3.The regulating valves will relievethe oil pressure4.The compressor output will remainthe same8-3.Which of the following precautions shouldyou take when disassembling andreassembling a compressor unit?1.Carefully disassemble and remove theparts, noting the correct relativepositions so errors will not be madereassembling2.Make sure that all parts, includingthose being replaced or reinstalled,are free of dirt and moisture3.Apply compressor oil freely to allbearings and rubbing surfaces of theparts being replaced or reinstalled4.Each of the above8-4.An air compressor has been overhauled.What is the first step you should take toremove the air from a compressor?1.Disconnect the connection in thedischarge gage line between thestop valve and the compressor2.Disconnect the connection on thecompressor suction line3.Start the compressor and let it rununtil a vacuum is obtained4.Remove all oil from the compressorcrankcaseQuestion 8-5 is to be judged True orFalse.8-5.R-12 is an excellent solvent.It has theability to loosen and remove any foreignmatter with which it comes in contactwithin a refrigeration system.8-6.In which of the following parts would airthat enters a refrigeration plant tend tocollect?1.Upper part of the receiver2.Upper part of the condenser3.Inlet end of the condenser4.Downstream end of the cooling coil8-7.In a refrigeration system, what is thepurpose of the purge valve at the top ofthe condenser?1.Take out unpleasant fumes from therefrigerant2.Vent off excess refrigerant during anemergency3.Remove any air that may accumulate inthe system4.Permit the opening of therefrigerating system for cleaning andinspecting48
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