Chapter 6—REFRIGERATION AND AIR CONDITIONINGThe rotary seal shown in figure 6-2 consistsof a stationary cover plate and gasket, a rotatingassembly which includes a carbon ring, a neopreneseal, a compression spring, and compressionwashers. The sealing points are located (1) be-tween the crankshaft and the rotating carbonrings, and sealed by a neoprene ring; (2) betweenthe rotating carbon ring and the cover plate, andsealed by lapped surfaces; and (3) between thecover plate and the crankcase, and sealed by ametallic gasket. The seal is adjusted by adding orremoving metal washers between the crankshaftshoulder and the shaft seal compression spring.A stationary bellows seal is illustrated in figure6-3. It consists of a bellows clamped to the com-pressor housing at one end to form a seal againsta rotating shaft seal collar on the other. The seal-ing points are located (1) between the crankcaseand the bellows, and sealed by the cover plategasket; (2) between the crankshaft and the shaftseal collar, and sealed by a neoprene gasket; and(3) between the surface of the bellows nose andthe surface of the seal collar, and sealed bylapped surfaces. The stationary bellows seal isfactory set for proper tension and should not bealtered.The rotating bellows seals, figure 6-4, consistsof a bellows clamped to the crankshaft at one endto form a seal against a stationary, removableFigure 6-2.—Rotary seal.6-3Figure 6-3.—Stationary bellows seal.shaft seal shoulder on the other end. The sealingpoints are located (1) between the crankshaft andbellows, and sealed by a shaft seal clamping nut;(2) between the removable shaft seal shoulder andthe crankcase and sealed by a neoprene gasket;and (3) between the bellows nose piece and theshaft seal collar, and sealed by lapped surfaces.This type seal is also factory set.Figure 6-4.—Rotating bellows seal.
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