RESPONSIBILITIESThe Secretary of the Navy policy, containedin SECNAVINST 5100.1D, emphasizes that oc-cupational safety and health are the respon-sibilities of all commands. Accordingly, thefollowing actions and responsibilities are assigned.Bureau of Medicine and SurgeryThe Chief, Bureau of Medicine and Surgery(CHBUMED) shall manage the hearing conser-vation program and maintain the program’s cur-rency and effectiveness. It must provideaudiometric support to all military and civilianpersonnel who are included in a hearing conser-vation program, professional and technicalassistance to commands responsible for assuringthat the hearing of military and civilian person-nel is protected, and appropriate professional andtechnical hearing conservation guidance andassistance to the Chief of Naval Education andTraining (CNET).It must develop guidelines and issue certifica-tions in accordance with OPNAVINST 6260.2Enclosure (1) for personnel conducting sound levelmeasurements, (2) personnel performing hearingconservation audiometry, (3) audiometric testchambers, (4) audiometers, and (5) all sound levelmeasuring equipment, and it must support aresearch and development effort in medicalaspects of hearing conservation to insure existingtechnology represents the most advanced state-of-the-art.Chief of Naval MaterialThe Chief of Naval Material (CHNAVMAT)shall in coordination with CHBUMED, providetechnical assist and and engineering guidance tocommands as delineated in OPNAVINST 6260.2and periodically update to maintain currency andeffectiveness. It shall insure, consistent and re-quired military capabilities, that noise abatementis considered, designed, and engineered into all(both existing and future) ships and aircraft,weapons and weapon systems, equipment,materials, supplies, and facilities which are ac-quired, constructed, or provided through theNaval Material Command; and it shall provideappropriate technical and engineering controlmethodology guidance and assistance to CNET.The Chief, Naval Educationand TrainingThe Chief, Naval Education and Training(CNET) shall, with the assistance of CHBUMEDand CHNAVMAT incorporate hearing conserva-tion and engineering control guidance informa-tion in the curricula of all appropriate trainingcourses. It shall provide specialized hearing con-servation and engineering control training andeducation as required, and serve as the centralsource for the collection, publication anddissemination of information on specialized hear-ing conservation and engineering control train-ing courses.Naval Inspector GeneralThe Naval Inspector General (NAVINSGEN)shall evaluate hearing conservation and engineer-ing control procedures during conduct of theNavy’s Occupational Safety and Health Inspec-tion Program (NOSHIP) oversight inspections ofactivities ashore.President, Board of Inspectionand SurveyThe President, Board of Inspection andSurvey (PRESINSURV) shall be directly respon-sible for oversight inspection aspects of shipboardhearing conservation and engineering controlcompliance. Inspections of fleet units shall be in-corporated into existing condition inspectionprograms.Commander, Naval Safety CenterThe Commander, Naval Safety Center (COM-NAVSAFECEN) shall provide program evalua-tion, as requested, provide program promotionthrough NAVSAFECEN publications, and reviewprogram compliance during the conduct ofsurveys.Fleet Commander in ChiefFleet Commanders in Chief and other majorcommanders, commanding officers, and officersin charge shall insure that all Navy areas,worksites, and equipment under their cognizanceare identified as potentially hazardous and labeledin accordance with OPNAVINST 6260.2 wherenoise levels are 85 dBA or greater or whereENGINEMAN 1 & C8-20
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