Chapter 8—ENVIRONMENTAL POLLUTION3. The placing of booms or other physical orCONTAINMENT.—Containment is theabsorbent barriers to prevent contact of the spillcritical first step of any coordinated spill cleanupwith areas of sensitive beneficial uses such asactivity. The rapidity and effectiveness with whichparks; estuaries, tributary streams, or waterit is applied will limit the adverse impacts of thesupply intakes.spill on other beneficial uses of the affected water4. The preplanned construction of trenches oror land area. Table 8-1 summarizes some of thedikes to isolate potential spill areas on land.containment methods available.Table 8-1.—Containment MethodsPrinciple ofType of SystemOperationAdvantagesDisadvantagesAir BarriersSubsurface bub-Do not impedeAre costly tobling to createvessel move-install andupswelling ofmentmaintain.water surfaceAre limited byenvironmentalfactors (wind,current).Piston Film orSurface ten-Can be easilyOnly providesHerdersion contain-ChemicalsenonSmall dosement for a mat-required.ter of hours.Governmentapproved prod-ucts must beused.BoomsA physicalbarrierCan be deployedWork best inquickly.calm waters.Are physicalMay be used currentsand waves.Hose SprayTurbulentbarrier tooilCan be rapidlyIs limited toapplieduse in con-fined areas andcalm water.Is temporarymethod.SorbentBarrierBoth physicalCan be easilyWorks best inbarrier anddeployed.calm water.absorbent sur-Can be usedOil is notface for oilfor both con-effectivelypickuptainment andcontained.pickup.Slows spreading.8-5
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