1-29.1-30.1-31.1-32.1-33.1-34.What color copy of a completedMETER card is sent to the MOCC?1. Buff2. Pink3. White4. GreenWhich of the following MEASUREreports is sent to you each monthas an inventory of all your items?1. Format 2102. Format 3103. Format 3504. Format 802In regards to equipment tag-outprocedures, what person isresponsible for ensuring the itembeing tagged is in the prescribedposition or condition?1. The authorizing officer2. The person attaching the tag3. The second person4. The OODChecks and audits of all tag-outsare usually done at which of thefollowing times?1. At the end of each workday2. Every Friday3. Every 2 weeks4. At the end of each quarterWhen a piece of equipment fails,you must take which of thefollowing actions before repairscan begin?1. Isolate and tag-out the pieceof equipment2. Notify the commanding officer3. Submit OPNAV Form 4790.2Q4. Request permission from the OODto begin workWhat person specifies the number oftag-out logs needed and theirlocation?1. The individual force commander2. The Chief of Naval Operations3. The commanding officer4. The engineer officer1-35.1-36.1-37.1-38.In regard to proper tag-outprocedure, what person verifies thecompleteness of the tag-out action?1. The person initiating the tag-out2. The authorizing officer3. The EOOW4. The second person that made anindependent checkBefore starting the tag-outprocedure, the authorizing officermust obtain permission from whichof the following individuals?1. The commanding officer2. The responsible department head3. Both 1 and 2 above4. The type commanderWhen repairs have been completed ona piece of equipment, which of thefollowing actions must be takenbefore it can be tested?1. Complete the work request2. Clear the tag3. Clear the piece of equipmentfrom the out-of-commission log4. Warm up the systemWhich of the following statementsabout label and tag enforcement isNOT correct?1. All outstanding tags listed oneach tag-out record sheet mustbe checked to ensure they areinstalled correctly2. Results of audits are reportedto the responsible departmenthead3. Testing the operation of avalve or switch is authorizedas part of a routine tag-outaudit4. Spot checks of installed tagsare conducted to ensure thetags are effective4
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