TROUBLE POSSIBLE CAUSE TEST REMEDYSpace temperature higher Bad location of thermostat Carefully read Relocate thermostat to athan thermostat setting temperature at the sensing place more representa-element. tive of average spacetemperatreThermostat out of adjust- Calibrate with good ther- Clean, adjust, or replacement or sticking mometer. the thermostatCooling coil magnetic Test solenoid valve for Replace solenoid coil.valve not opening sticking valve Clean valve or adjustpilots.Space temperature lower Bad location of thermostatTest with reliable ther- Move the thermostat to athan thermostat setting (this will also affect mometer at location. better location.cooling)Cooling coil magneticvalve stuck in openpositionStuck valve. Disassemble and clean.Heating coil magnetic Test solenoid. Replace solenoid coil.valve stuck or bad solenoid Test valve. Clean the valve.Thermostat or humidistat Sensing element fouled Examine. Clean.time constant too long, with lint and dirtcausing wide deviationfrom set pointElectric heater does not cut Controller contacts stuck Use test lamp to determine. Replace contacts, springsout or other parts as founddefective.Electric heater does not cut Overheat protection not Place test lamp reset or defectiveRepair or replace.Figure 5-10.—Trouble diagnosis chart with recommended test included.personnel from being in or entering the space while therefrigerant is being transferred.l You feel light-headed.l You feel giddy.4. Locate an emergency self-contained breathingapparatus for each person in the space to permit safeevacuation in the event of a large accidental leak5. When you suspect refrigerant may be present inthe atmosphere, leave the space immediately if:l You smell something that is unusual.l You experience shortness of breath.l You feel a tingling sensation in your fingers ortoes.l You suddenly start to feel warm.l You experience rapid heartbeat,5-16
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