CHAPTER 5RULES OF THE ROADOperators of Navy vehicles are expected to practice“courtesy on the road” at all times toward other driversas well as toward pedestrians. Courtesy distinguishesthe efficient and safe driver from a poor driver. Thedriver who practices courtesy on the road is helpingprevent mishaps with other vehicles and injuries topedestrians. Road courtesies are part of the basic “rulesof the road” that include procedures for driving undernormal, hazardous, and special conditions.Any information in this chapter is not to beconstrued as nullifying or superseding regulations orlaws of another country, state, or municipal authority.For more information, see your license examiner or theNavy Driver’s Handbook, NAVFAC MO-403; FederalMotor Carrier Safety Regulations Pocketbook,ORS-7A; and local instructions.DEFENSIVE DRIVINGYou have probably seen many examples ofdiscourtesy on the road. Common traits often displayedby discourteous drivers include the following:impatience, road hogging, and excessive speed. Aperson with such characteristics may be knowledgeableabout driving, but it takes more than knowledge whenSAFETY is a concern. To achieve a good safety record,you must be a “defensive driver” at all times.A defensive driver makes allowance for lack of skilland experience by other drivers and also learns torecognize mishap-producing situations far enough inadvance to avoid them. The defensive driver yields toother drivers and yields the right-of-way, rather than riska mishap. Defensive drivers understand theirresponsibilities and show proper respect for drivingregulations and the rights of others.As a professional Equipment Operator (EO), youshould demonstrate a businesslike and courteousattitude, alert posture, and skilled performance whenbehind the wheel. You should handle the vehiclecontrols easily and smoothly and always be aware of theposition of your vehicle in relation to other traffic. If youkeep a safe distance from the vehicle ahead and obeythe traffic control signals of the individual directingtraffic, you will not have to abuse the brakes on yourvehicle. You should always keep your vehicle in theproper lane, signal right and left turns in advance, andrarely have to make sudden stops.AVOIDING REAR-END COLLISIONSMost of the areas you will work in are consideredindustrial. In these areas, traffic is heavy most of thetime. The size of the vehicles, combined with congestionof traffic, results in frequent rear-end collisions. Hereare some precautions you can take to avoid rear-endingsomeone:. Be sure you have enough room to stop at trafficcontrol points.. Keep enough distance between you and thevehicle in front of you at stops so that you cansee their brake lights and taillights.. Watch the movement of vehicles that are two andthree vehicles ahead of you.Precautions you can take to avoid someone rear-ending you are as follows:lllllEnsure your brake and turn signals workproperly.Use your mirrors and be alert to what ishappening behind you.Do not stop suddenly ifSignal well in advanceand can avoid it.for stops, lane changes,Drive with the flow of traffic. Driving too slowcan be as dangerous as driving too fast.SPEED LIMITSSpeed is the cause of many mishaps. To avoid beingfined or involved in an mishap, obey the speed limits.NOTE: Speed limits indicate how fast you maydrive under good conditions. Several statutes are in thelaw books covering speed limits; however, you areresponsible for adjusting your speed to weather and roadconditions.5-1
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