. Check the position of the tractor by using bothoutside mirrors and by looking down both sidesof the trailer.Step 4. Back slowlyl Back slowly until the fifth wheel just touches thetrailer.Step 5. Secure tractorlllApply the parking brake.Place the manual transmission in neutral; if anautomatic transmission, place in park.Place wheel chocks.Step 6. Check height of trailer. The trailer should be low enough to allow it to beraised slightly by the tractor when the tractor isbacked under it. Raise or lower the trailer asneeded.CAUTIONIf the trailer is too low, the tractormay strike and cause unnecessarydamage to both the rear of the tractorand the nose of the trailer. If the traileris too high, it may not couple correctly.. Ensure the kingpin and fifth wheel are aligned.Step 7. Connect air lines to trailerllllInspect rubber grommets in the glad hands forwear and tear.Connect the tractor emergency air line to thetrailer emergency glad hands.Connect the tractor service air line to the trailerservice glad hands.Ensure air lines are safely supported so theycannot be crushed or caught while the tractor isbacking under the trailer.Step 8. Supply air to trailerlFrom the cab, push in the “air supply” knob tosupply air to the trailer brake system. Militarytractors are sometimes equipped with shutofflllvalves that must be opened to supply air to thetrailer brake system.Check the air pressure gauge and wait until theair pressure is normal.Apply and release trailer brakes, listen for thesound of the trailer brakes being applied andreleased. You should hear the brakes move whenapplied and air escape when the brakes arereleased.Check the air pressure gauge for signs of majorair loss.Step 9. Lock trailer brakes. Pull out the “air supply” knob or apply the trailerhand valve on the steering column to lock thetrailer brakes.Step 10. Back under the trailerlllUse the lowest reverse gear.Back the tractor under the trailer until the kingpinis locked into the fifth wheel.Pull the tractor gently forward while the trailerbrakes are still engaged ensuring the trailerkingpin is locked into the locking jaws of the fifthwheel.Step 11. Inspect couplingto. Place the transmission in neutral, if manual; inpark, if an automatic transmission.. Engage parking brakes.. Disengage the trailer hand valve.NOTE: Depending on your location, you may wantshut off the engine and take the key with you toprevent someone from moving the truck while you areunder it.. Inspect the area around the fifth wheel. Makesure there is no gap between the upper and lowerfifth wheel. If there is a gap, something is wrong.The kingpin may be on top of the closed lockingjaws; if so, the trailer can come loose easily.7-15
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