Vehicle OverviewWhen you approach the tractor-trailer, take note ofthe general condition. Look for damage or if the vehicleis leaning to one side. Look under the vehicle for freshoil, coolant, grease, or fuel leaks. You should check thearea around the vehicle for people, objects, low hangingwires, and tree limbs which could present a hazard whenthe vehicle is moved.Look inside the cab and ensure the parking brakesare engaged. For added safety, a set of wheel chocksshould be in place around one of the tires.NOTE: In the NCF, all 2 ton and above vehiclesmust have a set of wheel chocks that are used when thevehicle is parked.Engine CompartmentYou may have to raise the hood, tilt the cab (secureloose items so they cannot fall), or open the engine com-partment door.Check the following:llllllllllEngine oil level.Coolant level in radiator; condition of hoses.Power steering fluid level; hose condition (if soequipped).Windshield washer fluid level.Battery fluid level, connection, and tiedown(batteries may be located in a separate compart-ment).Automatic transmission fluid level (may requirea check with the engine warm and running).Check belts for tightness and excessive wear(alternator or generator, water pump, and aircompressor).Leaks (fuel, coolant, oil, power steering fluid,hydraulic fluid, and battery fluid).Cracked or worn electrical wiring insulation.When checks are completed, you should lowerand secure the hood, cab, or engine compartmentdoor.Walk Around InspectionWhen you perform the walk around inspection, turnon the headlights, four-way hazard warning flashers,7-6parking, clearance, side marker, and identificationlights. Clean all lights, reflectors, and glass as you goalong. Do not forget to check your brake and left andright turn signal lights. If a light bulb is not working, theyard boss normally has spare bulbs and tools that allowsyou to replace faulty bulbs.LEFT FRONT.— On the left front of the tractor,inspect the following:lllllslCheck the glass on the driver’s door and ensureit is clean.Check and ensure the door latches or locks workproperly.Check the left front wheel for the condition of thewheel and rim, such as missing, bent, brokenstuds, clamps, lugs, or any signs of misalignment.Check the condition of the tire for properinflation, valve stem and cap are in place, seriouscuts, bulges, and tread wear.Check the lug nuts for looseness and rust streaks.Check the condition of the spring, spring hanger,shackles, and U-bolts on the left front suspen-sion.Check the condition of the brake drum(s) andcondition of the brake hoses on the left frontbrake.FRONT.— On the front of the tractor, inspect thefollowing:llllllCondition of the front axle.Condition of the steering system for such thingsas loose, worn, bent, damaged, or missing parts.Grab the steering mechanism and check forlooseness.Condition of the windshield for damage and dirt.Condition of the windshield wiper arms forproper spring tension.Condition of the wiper blades for damage, rubberstiffness, and securement.Condition of lights and reflectors, such as theparking, clearance, and identification lights.Ensure they are clean, operating, and are theproper color (amber at front).
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