cycled a few minutes. However, it is a good practice tocheck to make sure there is oil in the crankcase, thenfollow the manufacturer’s recommendations.Oil FiltersThe oil filter removes most of the impurities thatwere picked up by the oil as it circulated through theengine. Two types of filter element configurations are inuse: the cartridge type and the sealed (spin-on) type(fig. 1-41).CARTRIDGE FILTER.— The cartridge filterelement fits into a permanent metal container. Oil is/-’’’...pumped under pressure into the container where itpasses from the outside of the filter element to the center.From here the oil exits the container. The filter elementis changed easily by removing the cover from thecontainer.SEALED (SPIN-ON) FILTER.— The sealed(spin-on) filter element is completely self-contained,consisting of an integral metal container and filterelement. Oil is pumped into the container on the outsideof the filter element. The oil then passes through thefilter to the center of the element where it exits thecontainer. This type of filter is screwed onto its base andis removed by spinning it off.Figure 1-41.-Oil filters.1-30
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