applying the primer. The deck must be dry at the time
Water can affect adhesive and loosen tiles; therefore,
the deck covering is installed.
swabbing the deck should not be done for 1 week after
installation; for general cleaning, use water sparingly to
prevent corrosion under tiles.
Application of Deck Tile
Installation of Rubber Roll,
Installation pointers for laying rubber and vinyl
Vinyl Sheet, or Mat
tile are as follows:
When installing these materials in front of
1. Store the tiles for 24 hours at a minimum
equipment only, cut the sheet to the desired length and,
temperature of 70F. (At temperatures below 70F, the
with a straightedge, cut off the selvedge (if applicable)
material is not sufficiently flexible for satisfactory
before cementing the sheet. When installing sheeting
installation.) To ensure straight seams, square off the
material over an entire deck area, lay out the space,
areas to be covered and, if practicable, start the
cutting all sheets to the desired length; then overlap
installation of tile at the center of the space and work to
edges of the sheet so all seams can be double cut, using
the edges to achieve an even balance of tile around the
a straightedge, to assure tight fit. After the material has
edges of the space.
been cut and fitted, roll the sheets back and cement
2. If a pattern of two or more colors is desired, plan
half the space. Lay sheets down into position. Then
this on graph paper in advance (each square of the paper
repeat the process for the other half.
can be considered one tile). For spaces with nonparallel
1. When cementing, use a latex-type adhesive
opposite bulkheads, use a large square and chalk line at
conforming to MIL-A-21016. If a sheet has a tendency
comers to square off the compartment into a rectangular
to bubble or lift after installation, it may be necessary
or square layout. To locate the center of the space, strike
to substitute a stronger adhesive such as an epoxy
a chalk line from the midpoints of opposite bulkheads
adhesive. The adhesive should be spread with a notched
after squaring off.
trowel, making certain that the entire surface is covered.
3. It is important that installation start at sections
When the adhesive is tacky, install the sheet.
of the space where work can proceed to completion
Immediately after installation thoroughly roll the deck
without kneeling on freshly laid tile. Cement should be
in both directions with a 150-pound sectional roller.
spread with a fine-toothed trowel (approximately 1
square yard at a time) at a coverage of 100 square feet
2. For additional information concerning
materials used to prevent electric shock, see NSTM,
per gallon (excess cement will reduce adhesion). While
the cement is tacky, force the tiles into tight contact with
chapter 634.
each other. Half tiles can be cut by scoring and cutting
through with a sharp knife. Vinyl asbestos tile should
Repair or Replacement of Deck Tiles
be made flexible by heating before cutting. A dull or
unpointed linoleum knife should not be used for cutting
If a tile requires replacement, remove it by forcing
the tiles because uneven edges will result.
a wide-blade paint scraper under it. Inspect for
corrosion. Chip out the dried cement and corrosion
Care also should be taken that the cement does not
products to bare steel, clean the spot with paint
get on the surface of the tiles. Excess cement may be
thinner, coat it with primer, and apply tile as
cleaned off, while wet, with a damp rag. If cement is
previously described.
dry, a rag that has been wet with paint thinner will
remove the cement. Pressure should be applied to
ensure complete contact of each tile with the deck.
Any high joints remaining after this operation should
Latex underlay should conform to MIL-D-3135,
be rubbed even and smooth with a hand roller.
type I, for use under latex terrazzo, latex, mastic, and
4. Travel over the newly cemented areas should be
ceramic tile.
restricted until the installation is completed; then the
deck can be opened to foot traffic immediately since no
Surface Preparation
However, it is recommended that heavy concentrated
Remove rust and paint. Clean the deck free of oil,
loads, such as legs of heavy furniture, be kept off the
grease, and dirt with an approved degreasing solvent.
deck until the cement has set (approximately 18 hours).
Apply one coat of epoxy primer, formula 150,