torch cuts, buff sheet metal, and for numerous other
-- Use a coolant to prevent overheating the work.
functions. Not only must you be able to use a pedestal
-- Wear goggles and respiratory filters to protect
grinder, but you also must observe all important oper-
your eyes and lungs from injury by grit and dust gener-
ating and safety precautions.
ated by grinding operations.
Grinding Safety
-- Transparent shields, if installed, should be
clean and properly adjusted. Transparent shields do not
The grinding wheel is a fragile cutting tool that
preclude the use of goggles as the dust and grit may get
operates at high speeds. Therefore, the safe operation of
around a shield. Goggles, however, provide full eye
pedestal grinders is as important as proper grinding
techniques. Observance of posted safety precautions is
-- When starting a grinder, push the start button
mandatory for the safety of the operator and the safety
and stand to one side for at least 1 minute while the
of personnel in the nearby vicinity.
machine comes up to full speed. There is always a
What are the most common sources of injury during
possibility that a wheel may shatter when coming up to
grinding operations? Hazards leading to eye injury
caused by grit generated by the grinding process are the
most common and the most serious. Abrasions caused
-- Never force work against a cold wheel. Apply
by bodily contact with the wheel are quite painful and
work gradually to give the wheel an opportunity to
can be serious. Cuts and bruises caused by segments of
warm. This will minimize the possibility of breakage.
an exploded wheel, or a tool "kicked" away from the
wheel are other sources of injury. Cuts and abrasions
-- Handle wheels carefully. Before replacing a
can become infected if not protected from grit and dust
wheel on a grinder, always sound the new wheel for
from grinding.
cracks. To sound a wheel, tap it lightly with a piece of
Safety in using pedestal grinders is primarily a
hard wood. A good wheel gives out a clear ringing
matter of using common sense concentrating on the job
sound, and a cracked wheel gives out a dull "thud."
at hand. Each time you start to grind a tool, stop briefly
Make sure that a fiber or rubber gasket is in place
to consider how observance of safety precautions and
between each side of the wheel and its retaining washer
the use of safeguards protect you from injury. Consider
(spindle wheel flange). Tighten the spindle nut just
the complications that could be caused by your loss of
enough to hold the wheel firmly. If the nut is tightened
sight, or loss or mutilation of an arm or hand.
too much, the clamping strain may damage the wheel.
The following operating instructions and safety
-- When selecting a replacement wheel, check to
precautions are applicable in general to all grinders and
be sure that the grinder rpm will not exceed the manu-
specifically to the pedestal grinders.
facturer's recommended speed for the wheel.
-- Read posted safety precautions before you start
-- When grinding, always keep the work moving
to use a machine. In addition to refreshing your memory
across the face of the wheel. This will prevent grooves
about safe grinding practices, this gets your mind on the
from being worn into the face of the wheel.
job at hand.
-- Keep all wheel guards tight and in place.
-- Secure all loose clothing and remove rings or
other jewelry.
-- Keep the spindle bearings well oiled.
-- Inspect the grinding wheel, wheel guards, the
-- Dress wheels frequently to keep them clean,
tool rest, and other safety devices to ensure they are in
sharp, and true, but do not remove any more material
good condition and positioned properly. Set the tool rest
than necessary.
so that it is within 1/8 inch of the wheel face and level
-- Keep the tool rest adjusted so that it just clears
with the center of the wheel.
the wheel (never more than one-sixteenth inch) and is
-- Use light pressure when you start grinding; too
at or just below the center line of the wheel. This will
prevent accidental jamming of the work between the
much pressure on a cold wheel may cause failure.
toolrest and the wheel.
-- Grind only on the face or outer circumference
-- Do not wear gloves when operating a pedestal
of a grinding wheel unless the wheel is specifically
designed for side grinding.