--When operating the brake press, place hands
--Never start a machine unless you are thoroughly
under the plate. Be sure the head and upper body are
familiar with its operation.
clear from the plate. Do not lean over the work while
--Do not attempt to clean, adjust, or repair a
bending the plate.
machine while it is in motion. Shut off the power
supply to the machine. NEVER attempt to clean
--Magnetic particle test equipment is capable of
producing current in excess of 600 amperes. Follow all
electrical safety precautions; failure to do so may result
--PROTECT YOUR EYES. Do not hold your head
in serious injury or death.
too close to the cutting tool-flying bits of metal or
scale may get into your eyes. Always wear goggles
--In all machine work, stress SAFETY first,
when there is any danger of flying particles getting in
ACCURACY second, and SPEED last. Excessive
your eyes; for example, when using a grinding or
speed is both dangerous and unproductive.
appropriate hearing protection. Either aural hearing
protectors (mickey mouse ears) or ear plugs will reduce
the noise from running machinery. Prolonged exposure
Safety is a very important factor in the use of
may damage your hearing.
portable power tools and cannot be overemphasized.
The hazards associated with the use of portable power
--Keep your fingers away from the cutting edges
tools are electric shock, cuts, flying particles,
when the machine is in operation; otherwise, you could
explosions, and so on. Because you will be using
lose some fingers.
shop and out on the job, you should be thoroughly
--Do not wear gloves or loosely hanging clothes.
familiar with the operation and care of these tools and
They can be caught by moving parts of the shop
with all applicable safety precautions. The portable
machinery and cause serious injuries. Keep your
power tools that you use may be powered by electric
sleeves rolled down and buttoned up tightly Do not
motors or by air (pneumatic) motors. Whether
wear neckties or loose neckerchiefs. If clothing becomes
electrically powered or air powered, the tools and
caught in a machine, shut off the power immediately.
procedures for using them are basically the same. Safe
pratice in the use of these tools will reduce or eliminate
--When using portable electric equipment around
the mishap potential. By observing the following safety
machine tools, take special care so that electrical cords
guidelines, you can ensure maximum benefits from the
are clear of moving parts.
tools you use and reduce to a minimum the chances of
serious injury.
--Do not exceed the recommended depth of cut,
cutting speeds, and feeds.
Never operate any portable power tools unless
you are completely familiar with their controls
--Keep areas around machines clear of obstructions
and features.
and ensure a nonskid surface is available for the
equipment operator.
Inspect all portable power tools before using
them. See that they are clean and in good
--Remove chips with a brush or other suitable tool;
never by hand or with compressed air.
Make sure there is plenty of light in the work
--When operating the brake press, always
area. Never work with power tools in dark
disconnect the foot switches and ensure that the
areas where you cannot see clearly.
eccentrics are in the bottom stroke before setting or
adjusting the punch and die.
Before connecting power tools to a power
--Place eccentrics on the bottom center of the drop
source, be sure the tool switch is in the OFF
shear bed.