1–11.You will find it advantageous touse a third-class lever when thedesired result is1.a transformation of energy2.an increase in speed3.a decrease in applied effort4.a decrease in speed and anincrease in applied effort1–7.Which, if any, of the followingparts illustrates a first classlever?1. A2.B or C3. D4.None of the above1–8.Which part illustrates asecond–class lever?1. D2. C3. B4. A1–9.What part illustrates a third–classlever?1. A2.B3. C4. D1–10.Which of the following classes oflevers should you use to lift alarge weight by exerting the leasteffort?IN ANSWERING QUESTIONS 1-12 THROUGHo1–14, SELECT THE CORRECT ARMMEASUREMENTS FROM FIGURES 1B AND 1C.1–12.Effort arm in figure 1B1.1 ft2.3 ft3.4 ft4.5 ft1–13.Resistance arm in figure 1B1.1 ft2.3 ft3.4 ft4.5 ft1–14.Resistance arm in figure 1C1.1 ft2.3 ft3.4 ft4.5 ft1.First–class2.Second–class3.First– or second–class4.Third–class2
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