CHAPTER 1lNTRODUCTlONAt this stage in your naval career, you are wellaware that training on a continuous basis is essen-tial if you are to reach your desired goals, andif the mission of the Navy is to be successfullyaccomplished. The purpose of this manual is toserve as one of many sources of information asyou continue your training to become proficientin the tasks you will be required to perform at theE-6 and E-7 levels of your rating. A knowledgeof the information in this manual, combined withthe everyday practical experience, should help youlearn to perform assigned tasks and accept greaterresponsibilities.RESPONSIBILITIES AND REWARDSAs you attain each higher promotional levelin your rating, you, as well as the Navy, benefit.The fact that you are using this training manualindicates that you have found personal satisfac-tion in developing your skills, increasing yourknowledge, and getting ahead in your chosencareer. The Navy has benefited, and will continueto do so as you become more valuable as atechnical specialist in your rating and as a per-son who can supervise and train others, thusmaking far reaching and long lasting contributionsto the success of the Navy.In large measure, the extent of your contribu-tion to the Navy depends upon your willingnessand ability to accept increasing responsibilities asyou advance. When you assumed the duties of anEN3, the Navy rewarded you with an increase inpay and responsibility, a responsibility not onlyfor yourself but for the work of others. With eachadvancement, you accept an increasing respon-sibility in military matters and in matters relatingto the occupational requirements of theEngineman rating.You will find that your responsibilities formilitary leadership are about the same as thoseof petty officers in other ratings, since everypetty officer is a military person as well as atechnical specialist. Your responsibilities fortechnical leadership are specific to your rating andare directly related to the nature of your work.Operating and maintaining the machinery andequipment for which an Engineman is responsi-ble is a job of vital importance. It is a teamworkjob which requires that special kind of supervisoryability that can only be developed by personnelwho have a high degree of technical competenceand a deep sense of personal responsibility.Certain practical details that relate to yourresponsibilities for administration, supervision,and training are discussed in subsequent chaptersof this training manual. At this point, let’s con-sider some of the broader aspects of your everincreasing responsibilities for military andtechnical leadership.YOUR RESPONSIBILITIES WILL EX-TEND BOTH UPWARD AND DOWNWARD.Officers and Supervisors will expect you to carryout their orders. Enlisted personnel will expect youto translate the general orders given by officersinto detailed, practical on-the-job language thatcan be understood and followed even by relativelyinexperienced personnel. In dealing with yourjuniors, it is up to you to see that they performtheir work properly. At the same time, you mustbe able to explain to officers any important needsor problems pertaining to the enlisted personnel.YOU WILL HAVE REGULAR AND CON-TINUING RESPONSIBILITIES FOR TRAIN-ING. Even if you are fortunate enough to have1-1
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