ENGINEMAN 1 & CThe diaphragm seal, figure 6-5, consists of adiaphragm clamped to the crankcase at its outercircumference and to a fulcrum ring at its center.The fulcrum ring forms a seal collar which islocked to the diaphragm. The sealing points arelocated (1) between the outer circumference of thediaphragm and the crankcase, and sealed by acopper ring gasket; (2) between the fulcrum ringand the diaphragm—sealed at the factory and notto be broken; (3) between the fulcrum ring andFigure 6-5.—Diaphragm type seal.the rotating shaft seal collar, and sealed bylapped surfaces; and (4) between the shaft sealcollar and the crankshaft shoulder, also sealed bylapped surfaces.The tension in a diaphragm seal is adjustedby adding or removing diaphragm-to-crankcasegaskets to obtain the specified deflection. Forinformation on handling, cleaning, and replace-ment of shaft seal assemblies, consult theFigure 6-6.—Unloader mechanism in unloaded position.6-4
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