Figure 2-8.—Weight and balance of trackedvehicle.Step 10. Compute moment 3 (M3). The formula forM3 is distance 3 times the rear axle weight or D3 XRAW = M3.Step 11. Compute the gross vehicle weight(GVW). The formula for GVW is FAW + IAW + RAW= GVW.Step 12. Determine the total moment (TM).TM is determined by adding all the momentstogether. The formula is Ml + M2 + M3 = TM.Step 13. Compute the center of balance (C/B)of the vehicle. This is done by dividing the GVW intothe total moment, which provides the C/B value ininches.Step 14. Locate the center of balance (C/B).The C/B is located by measuring from the RDL thenumber of inches computed in Step 13. At that point,label on the side of the vehicle with masking tape, aletter “T.” The horizontal portion of the tape islabeled “GVW” plus the weight. The vertical portionof the tape is labeled “C/B” and the distance in inchesmeasured from the RDL (fig. 2-7).Although there are other procedures used tocompute the center of balance for vehicles, the aboveprocedures must be followed when you use thecomputer aided load manifest (CALM) computerprogram currently used in the NCF.To find the C/B of a track vehicle (dozer),drive the vehicle onto a wooden beam until it balances(fig. 2-8). The weight of a track vehicle is determinedFigure 2-9.-Roller shoring.2-8
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