1234567891011121314151617181920212223242526272829303132333435Dangerous bendRight bendDouble bendIntersectionIntersection with a non-priority roadOpening bridgeLevel-crossing with gatesLevel-crossing without gatesLow flying aircraftTraffic signals aheadRoad worksPedestrian crossingChildrenBeware of animalsAnimals crossingRoad narrowsUneven roadDangerous hillSlippery roadQuay or river bankMerging trafficRoundabout aheadTwo-way trafficDangerDanger from falling rocksLoose chippingsPriority road aheadStop at intersectionClosed to all vehiclesNo entry for all vehiclesNo entry for all motor vehicles except motorcycleswithout sidecarsNo entry for motorcycles without sidecarsNo entry for all motor vehiclesNo entry for pedal cyclistsNo entry for goods vehicles exceeding...tons ladenweight36 No entry for vehicles having overall width exceeding...metres37 No entry for vehicles having overall height exceeding. . .metres38 No entry for vehicles having overall length exceeding. . .metres39 No entry for vehicles exceeding...tons laden weight40 No entry for vehicles having an axle weight exceed-ing.. tons41 Closed to all motor vehicles drawing a trailer otherthan a semi-trailer or a single-wheel trailer42 Closed to lorries drawing a trailer43 Closed to pedestrians44 No left (or right) turns45 No U turns46 Overtaking prohibited47 Overtaking by lorries prohibited48 End of prohibition49 Speed limit50 Speed limits for light and heavy motor vehicles51 End of speed limit52 End of speed limit53 Use of horn prohibited54 Priority to be given to vehicles coming in the oppositedirection55 Stop: customs56 No parking - on left on uneven dates; on right on evendates57 No parking58 Stopping prohibited59 Direction to be followed60 Roundabout61 Compulsory cycle track62 Compulsory minimum speed63 Compulsory way for pedestriansFigure AII-2A.—Nomenclature for figure AII-2.AII-5
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