CORRECTING A SKIDIf a vehicle SKIDS, steer in the direction of the skidto regain control. Sometimes light pressure on theaccelerator may help bring the vehicle under control. DoNOT apply brakes, because this may lock the wheels.Brakes, when used, should be applied lightly andreleased quickly if skidding begins. The way to correctfor skidding is shown in figure 5-1.DRIVING UNDER NORMALCONDITIONSNormal driving conditions are conditionsencountered on a day-to-day basis that may causemishaps. Be aware of these conditions and drive in adefensive driving mode at all times.TURNINGSome mishaps are caused by drivers who do notmake turns correctly. To make a turn safely, follow theseguidelines: make last minute turns.Be aware of what is going on around you. Checkyour mirrors (rear view and sides).When planning to make a turn at an intersection,move into the correct turning lane prior toapproaching the intersection. For a right turn, thecorrect lane is the one next to the right edge ofthe roadway. Should you be on a two-lane roadwith traffic in both directions, a left-hand turnshould be approached from the right half of theroadway nearest the center line.Signal at least 100 feet before you turn.Make your turn at a safe speed.6.7.Stay in the proper lane when turning. Vehiclescoming from the opposite direction have theright-of-way.Finish your turn in the proper lane. (See fig. 5-2.)PASSINGWhen overtaking and passing other vehicles on theroad, observe the common rules of passing. Use extremecaution whenever passing a vehicle, because the viewimmediately beyond the other vehicle is blocked on thatside. The greater the speed of the vehicle ahead, themore road space and time is required to overtake andpass the vehicle.The following are restrictions for overtaking andpassing: not pass to the right of another vehicle,except on multiple-lane, divided highways(more than two lanes of traffic moving in onedirection) and only then if passing is per-mitted; use extreme caution in such instances.Do not pass at an intersection or railroadcrossing.Do not pass on a hill or curve, except onmultiple-lane, divided highways.Do not pass a vehicle signaling to turn or to moveinto your lane of traffic, or one that has startedto overtake and pass another vehicle.Do not pass if the center line of the road is solidon your side.Do not pass if the highway is divided by twosolid lines.Do not pass if the single center line is solid.Figure 5-1.-Correcting a skid.5-2
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