Table 2-2.Area Visible From Borescope Inspection Ports
of the borescope inspection ports are shown
i n f i g u r e 2 - 7 .
Fifteen borescope inspection ports are in the
compressor near the 3 oclock split line. A port is
located at every compressor stator stage. These vane
ports start at the IGVs and work aft in the same direction
as the airflow (except for stage 8, which is internally
blocked). Stator stages 9 and 13 borescope ports require
you to remove piping interferences.
Combustor and HP Turbine
Aft of the right-hand side compressor ports are six
circumferentially positioned ports, just forward of the
midflange of the compressor rear frame. From these
ports you can inspect the combustor, the stage 1 HP
turbine nozzle assembly, and a few fuel nozzles. Near
the aft flange of the compressor rear frame on the
right-hand side of the engine are two HP turbine stator
ports that you can use for viewing the air-cooled turbine
blades. The Pt5.4 pressure probe harness adjacent to the
after flange of the turbine midframe is located aft of the