adjust the tip to the proper angle. Secure this
assembly with the wrench provided with the torch.
9. Adjust the working pressures. Adjust the
Take the following steps to set up oxyacetylene
acetylene pressure by turning the acetylene gauge
screw to the right. Adjust the acetylene regulator to
the required working pressure for the particular tip
1. Secure the cylinders so they cannot be upset.
size. (Acetylene pressure should NEVER exceed 15
Remove the protective caps.
2. Crack (open) the cylinder valves slightly to
blow out any dirt that may be in the valves. Close the
10. Light and adjust the flame. Open the
valves and wipe the connections with a clean cloth.
acetylene needle valve on the torch and light the
3. Connect the acetylene pressure regulator to
acetylene with a spark lighter. Keep your hand out of
the acetylene cylinder and the oxygen pressure
the way. Adjust the acetylene valve until the flame
regulator to the oxygen cylinder. Using the
just leaves the tip face. Open and adjust the oxygen
appropriate wrench provided with the equipment,
valve until you get the proper neutral flame. Notice
tighten the connecting nuts.
that the pure acetylene flame that just leaves the tip
face is drawn back to the tip face when the oxygen is
4. Connect the red hose to the acetylene
turned on.
regulator and the green hose to the oxygen regulator.
Tighten the connecting nuts enough to prevent
5. Turn the regulator screws out until you feel
little or no resistance, and then open the cylinder
valves slowly. Then, open the acetylene valve 1/4 to
A pure acetylene flame is long and bushy and has
1/2 turn. This will allow an adequate flow of
a yellowish color. It is burned by the oxygen in the air
acetylene and will allow the valve to be turned off
that is not sufficient to burn the acetylene completely.
quickly in an emergency. (NEVER open the
Therefore, the flame is smoky, producing a soot of
acetylene cylinder valve more than 1 1/2 turns.) Open
fine, unburned carbon. The pure acetylene flame is
the oxygen cylinder valve all the way to eliminate
unsuitable for use. When the oxygen valve is opened,
leakage around the stem. (Oxygen valves are double
the mixed gases burn in contact with the tip face. The
seated or have diaphragms to prevent leakage when
flame changes to a bluish-white color and forms a
open.) Read the high-pressure gauge to check the
bright inner cone surrounded by an outer flame
pressure of each cylinder.
envelope. The inner cone develops the high
temperature required.
6. Blow out the oxygen hose by turning the
regulator screw in and then back out again. If you
need to blow out the acetylene hose, do it ONLY in a
The type of flame commonly used to heat parts is
well-ventilated place that is free from sparks, flames,
a neutral flame. The neutral flame is produced by
or other possible sources of ignition.
burning 1 part of oxygen with 1 part of acetylene.
The bottled oxygen, together with the oxygen in the
7. Connect the hoses to the torch. Connect the
air, produces complete combustion of the acetylene.
red acetylene hose to the connection gland that has the
The luminous white cone is well-defined and there is
needle valve marked AC or ACET. Connect the green
no greenish tinge of acetylene at its tip, nor is there an
oxygen hose to the connection gland that has the
excess of oxygen. A neutral flame is obtained by
needle valve marked OX. Test all hose connections
gradually opening the oxygen valve to shorten the
for leaks by turning both regulator screws IN, while
acetylene flame until a clearly defined inner luminous
the needle valves are closed. Then, turn the regulator
cone is visible. This is the correct flame to use for
screws OUT, and drain the hose by opening the needle
many metals. The temperature at the tip of the inner
cone is about 5900F, while at the extreme end of the
8. Adjust the tip. Screw the tip into the mixing
outer cone it is only about 2300F. This gives you a
chance to exercise some temperature control by
head and screw the mixing head onto the torch body.
moving the torch closer to or farther from the work.
Tighten the mixing head/tip assembly by hand and