ASSIGNMENT 3Textbook Assignment:“Force and Pressure,” chapter 9, pages 9–1 through 9-7; “Hydrostaticand Hydraulic Machines,” chapter 10, pages 10–1 through 10–10; and“Machine Elements and Basic Mechanisms,” chapter 11, pages 11–1through 11–15.3–1.3–2.3-3.3–4.3–5.With which of the following devicesis force measured?1.A manometer2.A bourdon gauge3.A spring scale4.A barometerPressure is expressed in terms of1.distance and density2.volume and force3.density and volume4.area and forceIf a cylindrical tank which standson end is 4 feet in diameter andcontains 350 pounds of water, thepressure on the bottom of the tankis approximately1.22 lb per sq ft2.28 lb per sq ft3.65 lb per sq ft4.350 lb per sq ftAt sea level, what is the force ofthe atmosphere on each side of acube measuring 16 inches on a side?1.380 lb2.890 lb3.2,400 lb4.3,840 lbIf the pressure in a steam boilerthat supplies pressure to a piston4 inches in diameter is 600 poundsper square inch, the total forceexerted on the piston isapproximately1.150 lb2.600 lb3.2,400 lb4.7,500 lb3-6.The airbrake cylinder on a railroadcar has a diameter of 8 inches.The locomotive supplies compressedair to this cylinder at 90 poundspressure per square inch.How muchforce is transmitted to the brakeshoes when the brakes are applied?1.720 lb2.4,520 lb3.5,000 lb4.6,500 lb3–7.When the pressure being measuredwith the gauge shown in textbookfigure 9–4 is decreased, thelinkage end of the Bourdon tube hasa tendency to move so as to to become less to become more curved3.pointer to turn clockwise4.pointer and gear to turn inopposite directions3–8.In which of the followingsituations would a Schrader gaugebe used instead of a Bourdon gaugeor diaphragm gauge?1.Measuring the force that airexerts on an object at sealevel2.Measuring pressure in ahydraulic system in which theload fluctuates rapidly3.Measuring the force that waterexerts on an object at thebottom of a tank4.Measuring air pressure in thespace between inner and outerboiler casings22
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