Items 3–36 through 3–38 are relatedoto figure 3B.3–36.If the weight on the large pistonjust balances the weight on thesmall piston, it follows that the1. Ifforce per unit of area is thesame on both pistonsweights on the two pistons areequalforce on the large pistonequals that on the small pistonpressure is greater below thesmall piston than it is belowthe large pistona certain force is applied tothe small piston, what are therelationships between pressures invarious parts of the system?1.The pressure on the smallpiston is greater than thepressure on the large piston2.The pressure on the smallcylinder is the same as thepressure acting against thesmall piston and is greaterthan the pressure in the largecylinder3.The pressure in the connectingtube is the same as thepressure in the small cylinderand is greater than thepressure in the large cylinder4.The pressure is the same on allparts of all surfaces thatenclose the liquid3–38.Let FI be the force applied to thesmall piston and F2 be the forceexerted by the large piston.Whichequation represents therelationship between the forces FIand F??3–39.The area of the small piston in ahydraulic press is 3 square inchesand the area of the large piston is75 square inches.If a force of 50pounds is applied to the smallpiston, the large piston will(neglecting frictional losses)exert a force of1.25 lb2.250 lb3.725 lb4.1,250 lb3–40.In a hydraulic press, how does thedistance the small piston movescompare with the distance the largepiston moves?1.The small piston will alwaysmove a greater distance thanthe large piston2.The large piston will alwaysmove a grater distance than thesmall piston3.Both pistons will move the samedistance4.There is no relationshipbetween the movements of thetwo pistonsItems 3–41 and 3–42 are related toothe hydraulic press shown intextbook figure 10–10.3–41.What is the main function of thecheck valves?1.To prevent the liquid fromescaping from the largecylinder into the reservoir2.To prevent the liquid in thereservoir from flooding thesmall cylinder3.To make possible several shortstrokes, instead of one longstroke, with the small piston4.To allow the large piston toreturn to its starting position27
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