3–58.As used in some automotive3–55.3–56.3–57.The function of the spring infigure 3E is to1.store energy for part of acycle2.counterbalance a weight or athrust3.return a component to itsoriginal position afterdisplacement4.permit some freedom of movementbetween aligned componentswithout disengaging themWhich of the following types ofsprings can be used in compression,extension, or torsion?1.Flat spring2.Spiral spring3.Helical spring4.Each of the aboveWhat are volute springs?1.Spiral springs made of plaitedstrands of cable2.Helical, conical springs woundwith each coil partlyoverlapping the coil next to it3.Flat springs made of slightlycurved plates4.Double cone springs with theirlarge ends joined together3-59.3–60.3–61.3–62.suspension systems, straighttorsion bars reduce shock or impactby1.compressing2.twisting3.bending4.telescopingWhat gear of the gear differentialis fastened to the spider shaft?1.Input gear2.End gear3.Output gear4.Spider gearIn the gear differential shown infigure 11–11 of your textbook, inproportion to the sum ofrevolutions of the end gears, howmany revolutions does the spidermake?1.One half as many2.The same number3.Twice as many4.Four times as manyWhich of the following statementsis true of a gear differential nomatter which type of hook–up isused? spider will follow the endgears for half the sum ordifference of their revolutionsThe two side gears are theinputs and the gear on thespider shaft is the outputThe spider shaft is one input,and one of the sides is theother outputIf the two inputs are equal andopposite,the spider- shaft willmove in either directionSlightly worn linkages can probablybe adjusted by lengthening orshortening the rods and shafts.1.True2.False30
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