ENGINEMAN 1 & Creplacement is costly, because the current methodsfor beach sand reclamation are very expensive.Mitigation of impacts may also involvebiological reseeding of areas affected by thespill or the cleanup operations. It may alsoinclude the collection, cleanup, and care of oilsoaked birds, which were attracted to the spillarea, although this effort is generally onlypartially effective. It requires expert knowledge,facilities for recuperation, and extensive use ofmanpower.As you read earlier in this chapter there aresix operational phases involved with spills. Wehave briefly discussed only four of these. Formore detailed information about the phasesdiscussed and additional information on the careof the equipment and administrative follow upto a spill read and study NAVFAC P-908,Oil Spill Control for Inland Waters andHarbors.CAUSES OF OIL SPILLSThe frequency of occurrence and the volumeof oil spilled in relation to the various causes asreported to, and compiled by, the Navy Environ-mental Support Office (NESO) is shown in table8-3. You can clearly “see” that human error isinvolved in the majority of these spills.The best way to help cope with this problemof “human error” is through the proper trainingof operational personnel. This should includestudy of pertinent regulations and operationalprocedures; adherence to the Personnel Qualifica-tion System (PQS) and periodic drills involvingcleanup procedures and operation of oil spil1cleanup equipment.In addition to routine and schedulemaintenance, as well run facility should performand log periodic inspections dealing with theTable 8-3.—Navy Related Oil Spills by Cause (1975)PercentVolumePercentAv. Vol.No. ofTotalSpilledTotal Vol.of EachCauseSpillsSpills(gal)SpilledOccurrenceValve misaligned399.43,9433.4101(open)Monitoring error8019.26,7925.885Donut (WOR)163.8794.750Collision1.21,5001.31,500Grounding0----Structural/design9522.852,26744.5550failureTank overflow276.53,3052.8122Fuel transfer(internal)30.71780.158(external)143.41,8241.6130Air in line71.774.l11Unknown12429.739,74433.8321Other112.67,1438.16498-12
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