8. If conditions warrant securing the engineat any time, secure and notify the bridge and theengineer officer.9. Make repairs, test out the engine, and, ifit is operating properly, notify the engineer of-ficer and the bridge.FUEL OIL CASUALTIESIn addition to casualties which may involveparts of the fuel oil system within the engine, othercasualties may occur which involve the system out-side of the engine. Examples of some of the possi-ble casualties, along with the action to be takenfollow:WATER IN DIESEL FUEL OILSERVICE (DAY) TANK1. Shift fuel oil suction.2. Notify the engineer officer and the bridgeof the casualty.3. Drain the water from all filters, strainers,and lines.4. Open all test cocks on the engine, and turnthe engine over until assured that the system isfree of water.5. Close the test cock. Start the engine. Checkits operation. If operation is normal, notify theengineer officer and the bridge that the engine isready for normal operation.6. Strip or drain the contaminated servicetank and refill with clean fuel using the fuel oilpurifier.INOPERATIVE DIESEL FUEL OILTRANSFER PUMP1. Line up the diesel purifier to supply thetank as quickly as possible.2. Notify the engineer officer of the casualty.3. In an emergency, line up and use the hand-operated pump in order to continue operation.4. At the earliest possible time, inspect andrepair the fuel oil transfer pump.5. Report the results of the investigation andrepairs to the engineer officer.HYDRAULIC COUPLING CASUALTIESCoupling casualties vary with each installa-tion. The following examples, and the action tobe taken, are applicable to some Fairbanks-Morsemarine installations.FAILURE OF THE MAIN LUBE OILPUMP1. Start the standby pump or the lube oiltransfer pump and cut in on the line.2. Cross-connect the twin hydraulic couplingsystems.3. Notify the engineer officer and the bridgeof the casualty and the emergency measures taken.4. At the earliest possible time, repair thehydraulic lube oil pump.5. Report the repairs completed to theengineer officer and the bridge, and request per-mission of the engineer officer to start the pumps.INOPERATIVE PROPELLER SHAFTPNEUMATIC BRAKE1. Report the casualty to the bridge and theengineer officer.2. Check the air pressure to the brake.3. Check the air reducing valve to the brake.4. Check the electrical and pressure controlswitches to the air control valve.5. If the trouble is not determined and the useof the engine is required, do the following:a. Secure the air to the brake system untilproper inspection of the brake shoes and expan-sion core can be made.b. Notify the bridge and the engineer of-ficer that the engine is being operated without thebrake, and that the throttle alone is being usedfor control.c. Use extreme caution during theoperation.d. At the earliest possible time, inspect andrepair the brake.e. Report the repairs to the engineerofficer.INOPERATIVE COUPLING LUBEOIL REGULATING VALVE1. Maintain the correct operating pressure bymanually operating the clutch dump valve.2. Report to the engineer officer and thebridge. Request permission to secure the engineto effect repairs.ENGINEMAN 1 & C9-8
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