know the names and operations of the equipment at yournormal watch station and your battle station. Be sure youknow what the casualty is before you take correctiveaction. If you are reporting a casualty to the bridge ormain control, be sure you use the correct terminologyand ensure they understand what your casualty is.The primary sources of instructions used to handleany engineering casualty and to maintain the overalldamage resistance to your ship are listed as follows:l The EOCC procedurel The ship’s casualty control manual (for a shipwithout EOCC)l The ship’s damage control manuall The ship’s damage control billsl The ship’s organization and regulation manual(SORM)SYMPTOMS OF OPERATIONALCASUALTIESYou must be on the alert for even the most minorsign of faulty operation of machinery. Pay particular andcontinuous attention to the following symptoms ofmalfunctioning:- Unusual noises- Vibrations- Abnormal temperatures- Abnormal pressures- Abnormal operating speeds- Leakage from systems or associated equipmentYou should become thoroughly familiar with thenormal operating temperatures, pressures, and speeds ofequipment specified for each condition of operation;departures from normal will then be readily apparent.NEVER assume that an abnormal reading on a gauge orother indicating instrument is due to a problem with theinstrument. Investigate each case to learn the cause ofthe abnormal reading. Substitute a spare instrument orperform a calibration test to quickly show whether aninstrument error exists. Trace abnormal readings that arenot caused by faulty instruments to their source. Somespecific advance warnings of failure are outlined in thefollowing paragraphs.The safety factor commonly incorporated in pumpsand similar equipment can allow a considerable loss ofcapacity before you see any external evidence oftrouble. In pressure-governor-controlled equipment,view changes in operating speeds from normal for theexisting load with suspicion. Variations from normal inchest pressures, lubricating oil temperatures, and systempressures indicate either improper operation or poorcondition of the machinery. When a material failureoccurs in any unit, promptly inspect all similar units todetermine whether they are subject to the same type offailure. Prompt inspection may eliminate a wave ofsimilar casualties.Abnormal wear, fatigue, erosion, or corrosion of apart may indicate that the equipment is not beingoperated within its designed limits of loading, speed,and lubrication. It also may indicate a design or materialdeficiency. If any of these symptoms have appeared, youshould routinely carry out special inspections to detectdamage unless you can take action to ensure that such acondition will not recur.ENGINE-ROOM CASUALTIESEven with the best-trained personnel and thebest-planned maintenance programs, casualties willoccur. WHEN COMBATING AN ENGINE-ROOMCASUALTY, USE YOUR EOCC.DIESEL ENGINE CASUALTIESThe Engineman’s duties concerning engineeringcasualties and their control depend upon the type ofship–which may be anything from a torpedo weaponsretriever (TWR) to a carrier. An Engineman operatesengines of various sizes, made by variousmanufacturers, and intended for different types ofservices.Some examples of the types of engineeringcasualties that may occur and the action to be taken aregiven in the sections that follow. The observance of allnecessary safety precautions is essential in all casualtycontrol procedures.1. Inoperative speed governora. Control the engine manually, if possible.b. Notify the engineer officer and the bridge,and request permission to secure the engine for repairs.c. When you get permission, check thegovernor control mechanism.d. Check the linkage for binding or sticking.1-24
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