adjustment points and may be tightened to fit snuglyon most any load. A complete set of 463L nets (threenets) weighs 65 pounds.Other cargo restraints arechains and chain tic-down devices. These are usedfor large items, such as Conex boxes, Seabee shelters,and refer units, and so forth. Five-thousand-poundtie-down straps (fig. 2-14) are used to secureequipment attachments and provide individual itemrestraints. Additionally, the tie-down straps providesupplemental restraint to the 463L pallet nets.Cargo is palletized from the heaviest to thelightest.Large and heavy objects are distributedevenly from the center of the pallet outward toprevent the pallet from becoming heavy on one end(fig. 2-15).Additionally, this helps maintain thecenter of balance at or new the center.Lighter orsmaller items are positioned on top or along the sideof the heavier cargo, Containers marked “THIS SIDEUP” are placed upright, and cargo with special labelsare faced outward whenever possible. Pallets shouldbe constructed in a square or pyramid shape wheneverpossible (fig. 2-16). This makes the load stable, easyto handle, and easier to secure on the pallet. Each463L pallet requires dunnage under the pallet whennot on board the aircraft. The dunnage consists ofthree pieces of 4-inch by 4-inch by 90-inch timber andis placed in the center and close to the outside edgesof the pallet. This prevents the pallets from warpingand enhances forklift operations. Each aircraft hasrestrictions as to the dimensional size and shapeparticular to that specific aircraft. Aisleways must bebuilt on pallet position three or four in a C-130aircraft. Check the particular requirements of theaircraft for which the load is prepared.Figure 2-15.— Pallet cargo placement.Figure 2-14.—5,000-pound tie-down strap.Figure 2-16.—463L square and pyramid pallet cargoplacement.2-12
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