Crane License ProgramBefore receiving a license to operate a crane,crane operators are required to attend 40 hours offormal classroom instruction on crane operatingsafety, as outlined in the NAVFAC P-306. TheNaval Construction Training Centers (NCTC), PortHueneme, California, and Gulfport, Mississippi,offer a crane school that covers the requirements ofthe NAVFAC P-306. Additionally, operators whoneed to renew their license and have completed the40 hours of crane safety must attend a minimum8-hour refresher training course on crane operatorsafety.The testing of crane operators is the directresponsibility of the crane certifying officer andcannot be delegated. The crane certifying officer maybe assisted in administering a performance test by thecrane test director. Performance tests are conducted,as outlined in the NAVFAC P-306.The cranemanufacturer’s manual is used to test the operator onthe operator’s maintenance responsibility.The equipment officer is normally responsible forthe duties of the battalion crane certifying officer. Asoutlined in the NAVFAC P-307, the crane certifyingofficer must be designated in writing by thecommanding officer of the activity.The cranecertifying officer designates in writing the crane testdirector.A crane license is issued on the ConstructionEquipment Operator License, NAVFAC 11260/2, andwill indicate the make, model, capacity, and theattachments the operator is qualified to operate.Operators requiring more on-the-job training withcranes can be issued a training license for a periof of30 days. The trainee must be under the supervision ofa qualified crane operator. The training license mustdenote the make, model, capacity, and the attachmenton which the operator is to be trained.Before you deploy, ensure that the crane crew hasseveral licensed crane operators.Your licensedoperators will be needed to support the BattalionEquipment Evaluation Program (BEEP) of the cranes.The crane certifying officer designates in writing thecrane test operator and the crane test mechanic.These positions are required for the crane certificationprogram.The crane certifying officers may alsodesignate an alternate crane test director, testoperator, and test maintenance backups.BEEPCranes are normally condition inspected, loadtested, and certified annually, as prescribed in theNAVFAC P-307; however, in the NCF, lestprocedures for cranes are performed during theBEEP as a joint battalion effort. Time managementis important when performing the BEEP of thecrane area of responsibility. You must rememberthat the weight testing of cranes is a time-consuming event and should be completed before(he end of the BEEP.The BEEP Equipment and Attachment EvaluationInspection Guides for cranes are issued by thedispatchers.The inspections of the cranes areperformed jointly by the EOs assigned to the cranecrews. Once the EOs have completed the Equipmentand Attachment Evaluation Inspection and the paperwork is taken to the dispatcher, the crane mechanicswill jointly inspect the crane, using the inspectionguides.The crane mechanics also have theresponsibility of performing the Crane ConditionInspection which is documented on the CraneCondition Inspection Record (figs. 3-1A and 3-1B).This inspection, commonly known as the “before,during, and after inspection,” is part of the craneweight-testing procedure and can be performed at thesame time the mechanics are performing theequipment and attachment inspection. The crane testdirector is also responsible for inspecting andreviewing the items on the Crane ConditionInspection Record.After the crane is released from the shop, thecrane crew supervisors have the responsibility toprepare the crane for the weight-testing procedure.Accomplishing the weight test for certification of thecrane is important, because the ERO for the cranecannot be closed out until the crane is certified.The weight testing of cranes requires the use ofbig, heavy weights, a stable foundation, and an areaclear of obstructions. Some deployment sites have anarea in Alfa company with weights for the weighttesting of cranes; however, Public Works Centersoverseas normally has an area allocated for the weighttesting of cranes. They normally allow the battalionsto schedule time periods for use of this area.When a crane has to be transported to theweight-testing-area, the crane crew supervisors mustreceive the planned travel route to determine if lowwires, low overpasses, narrow bridges, or unsafeobstacles exist. The absolute limit of approach for3-2
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