COMSECOND/COMTHIRDNCBINST 11200.1series.The Crane Lift Checklist must be filled out bythe crane crew supervisor or the crane test directorbefore the crane can proceed to any project or makeany crane lifts. After the Crane Lift Checklist iscompleted, make sure you brief the operators andriggers on specifics of the lift and travel conditions.Crane Operator’s Daily InspectionBefore a crane is operated or transported, itmust be thoroughly inspected by the operator. Theoperator uses the Crane Operator’s Daily Checklist(ODCL) (fig. 3-3). The operator visually inspects andchecks each item prescribed on the checklist.When the operator observes a deficiency of aload-bearing or load-controlling part or safety device(major deficiency) or an operating condition thatwould cause the slightest loss of control or otherwiserender the crane unsafe, the operator must securethe crane and notify the crane crew supervisor. Thecrane crew supervisor informs the chain of commandof any crane problems.The NAVFAC Form 11260/4 is additionallyused with the ODCL when dispatching the crane.The ODCL is turned into the crane crew supervisorat the end of each day or shift for review and signing.As outlined in the NAVFAC P-307, the minimumrequirement for retaining the ODCLs is the ODCLsfor the previous month of operation and the ODCLs ofthe current month of operation.Wire Rope InspectionPart of the ODCL inspection is the thoroughinspection of all wire rope before using a crane. Allrunning ropes in continuous service must be visuallyinspected for crushing, kinks, corrosion or otherdamage, broken wires, and proper lubrication (fig. 3-4). Other areas to inspect are the following:Figure 3-4.—Common wire rope defects.3-7
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