desired grade, as shown in figure 15-30. These stakesare marked with GRADE, or GRD, and a crowfootmark even with the desired grade.Basically, the difference in cut, fill, or on-gradestakes is as follows:. Cut stakes indicate a lowering of the ground orelevation.. Fill stakes indicate raising the ground or eleva-tion.. On-grade stakes indicate the ground is at thedesired grade and does not need a cut or fill.Offset StakesAfter a survey of a project has been completed andthe stakes are set and marked, the required amount ofFigure 15-31.—Reference information found on a offset needed to complete the job is determined byusing the information on these stakes. Since thisinformation has to be used often during constructionand the original stakes can be destroyed or covered upby carelessness or inexperienced operators, it isnecessary to document this information.To prevent the loss of reference information, youshould transfer the required information from thestake located in the immediate area of construction toa new stake. Set this stake far enough away so that itwill not be damaged or destroyed by equipment beingoperated in the construction area. This new stake iscalled an offset stake and is identified by the symbolOF or an O (fig. 15-31).You should note the number of linear feet thatseparates the offset stake from the original referencestake. This is written on the offset stake below the OFor within the circle, followed by the amount of cut orfill, in feet, which may be required. A stake markedmeans that the stake is offset 35 feetfrom the centerline stake and that a cut of 1 foot isrequired to attain the desired final grade.The difference in elevation must be noted on theoffset stake. The symbol, representing the stake fromwhich the information was originally transferred, isalso noted on the offset stake. If the offset stake wasoffset from a shoulder stake, the symbol would be SHinstead of ~.The amount of cut or fill, if any, must be noted onthe offset stake. However, because of existing terrain,this information on the offset stake may not be thesame as that on the original stake. In figure 15-32, youcan see that the offset stake reads for a cut to be madeto reach a desired elevation at the center line, while aFigure 15-32.—Difference in elevation between the offset stake crowfoot and desired grade at center stake.15-19
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