the light cable attachment. On the Wolf and Ederprobes, the viewing window is 90 degrees clockwisefrom the light cable, as shown in figure 2-4. In thefuture, borescoping equipment may have changesincorporated that significantly improve the inspectionequipment.Newer models may incorporate aswiveling light cable that allows the cable to hangdown regardless of the viewing direction. You mustread the manufacturer’s instruction manual before youcan successfully use the equipment. Figure 2-5 is anexample of how the engine and borescope geometrywork together.It shows you how the borescopeappears when looking forward and aft from the rightside of the engine or from the left side of the engine.BORESCOPE PORTSTable 2-2 is a description of the ports and theareas that you can see from each borescope port.Figure 2-6 shows you the component materialsFigure 2-4.—Light cable azimuth for borescope probes.a n d t h e t e m p e r a t u r e s a t w h i c h t h e v a r i o u scomponents normally operate. The locationsFigure 2-5.—Geometric orientation of the borescope.2-4
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