On the other hand, if the pitch pointer and the scaledifference is less than a 1/16 of an inch or the greaterthan reading is related to thermal growth or contraction,then the scale can be moved to match the pointer’sposition. The only drawback to adjusting the scale tomatch the pointer is that an electronic alignment(calibration) must be performedELECTRONIC ALIGNMENT.— The electronicalignment procedures differ depending on the ship class.But, one thing will always be the same. To accomplishany of these procedures, the ship must be in dry dock oryou will require the assistance of a diver. Alladjustments made to align the mechanical (actual) pitchand electronic display indications must be verified withthe actual blade position on the propeller hub. There isone electronic alignment procedure (electronic pitchindicating [EPI] system calibration) on the DDG-51class that can only be accomplished when the ship is indry dock.REMOVAL AND REPLACEMENT OFCOMPONENTSThe CRP/CPP system seldom requires the removalor replacement of components. However, there is onecomponent that you will be required to replace—theelectrohydraulic servo valve. As previously discussed,this valve is in constant use and its probability of failureis much higher than any other component in the system.There is only one other set of components that youwill need to remove frequently—the system’s filters. Infact, you will need to remove these filters even morefrequently than the electrohydraulic servo valve. Thisis because you will need to remove the filters forperiodic cleaning according to the PMS. Of course, youwill also need to remove them in the event of a casualty.SUMMARYIn this chapter, we have discussed many of thefactors that affect GTE performance, power trainoperation and maintenance, and propulsion systems. Asyou prepare for advancement, you must continue tolearn and increase both your leadership skills andtechnical expertise. You must be prepared to train andsupervise your subordinates. Read the variousreference materials cited in this chapter to increase yourunderstanding of the information that was presented.3-19
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