completely through along a certain plane. This type of
lines. The transparent effect of an orthographic view
view is usually used where hidden features vary
allows you to see exactly how the various components
of an item fit together.
throughout the object.
SECTIONAL VIEWS.--Sectional views are used
Half-Sectional View.--A half-sectional view is
to give a clearer view of the interior or hidden features
used when the object to be shown is symmetrical in both
of an object. These hidden features usually cannot be
inside and outside details. It is assumed that the details
clearly observed in conventional outside views.
shown in the uncut section are identical to the cutaway
Sectional views are made as if they were a cutaway part
section. Only a quarter of the object is sectioned; the
of the object along a given cutting plane. Full, half, and
other quarter is shown as a standard view. The term half
offset sectional views are the most commonly used on
section means that only half of a full section is cut away.
drawings. Figure 13-8 shows full- and half-sectional
Again notice the cutting plane as shown in figure 13-8.
views. Notice the cutting plane line as shown by the
letter AA. It shows where the imaginary cut has been
Offset Section.--An offset section is a section
view that has the cutting plane changing directions. The
cutting view plane changes direction to pass through
Full-Sectional View.--A full section (also known
features that are important to show. Figure 13-9 shows
as a cross section) is shown as if the object were cut