Figure 5-6.—Soil compaction test graph.Experience has shown it is next toimpossible to achieve proper compaction inmaterials that are too dry or too wet. Soilexperts have proved that in every soilthere is an amount of water, called theOPTIMUM MOISTURE CONTENT, at which it ispossible to obtain maximum density with agiven amount of compaction. Figure 5-6 isan example of a compaction curve that isused to show the relationship between drydensity and moisture content. The soillaboratory performs and determines theoptimum moisture content.Compactive effort is the method bywhich the compactor imparts energy intothe soil to achieve compaction. Compactorsare designed to use one or a combinationof the following types of compactiveeffort: static weight (pressure), kneadingaction, impact, or vibration.PIT OR QUARRY SITE PREPARATIONPreparation of a new site shouldstart immediately after the site locationhas been selected. Preparatory workincludes making an operations plan,clearing the site, removing overburden,draining the site, building5-8
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