Table 4-1.-Volume Changes
obtained are in cubic feet. To convert cubic feet into
cubic yards, divide the cubic feet by 27 (there are 27
cubic feet in 1 cubic yard). Another method is to
divide each original linear measurement by 3 to
convert the number of feet into yards; then multiply
the values together to cubic yards. Be aware, however,
that this method may lead to working in fractions,
decimals, and mixed numbers.
Cubic yards of material are either inplace, loose, or
compacted. Material excavated in its natural state
increases in volume, commonly known as swell.
Undisturbed material is measured as inplace cubic
yards, material loosened by handling is measured in
loose cubic yards, and the volume of compacted
material is measured as compacted cubic yards. You
must remember when calculating estimates from prints,
cuts are estimated as inplace cubic yards, and fills are
estimated as compacted cubic yards. To calculate the
correct amount of material to be handled, you can
convert the present soil conditions using table 4-1.