Figure 11-26.-Side-by-side dozing.Figure 11-27.-Slot dozing.Side-by-side dozing (fig. 11-26) and slot dozing(fig. 11-27) maximize the amount of earth drifted byreducing or preventing spillage around the outer edgesof the blade.SIDE-BY-SIDE DOZING.— In side-by-sidedozing, two dozers work abreast with blade edges asclose together as possible, preventing spillage aroundone blade edge on each dozer. Side-by-side dozingrequires time-consuming maneuvering of the dozers;therefore, it is impractical for hauls of less than 50 feetand more than 300 feet.SLOT DOZING.— Slot dozing is done by firstbuilding a pair of windrows with the spillage of severalpasses. As shown in figure 11-27, the windrows serveas barriers to prevent spillage around the dozer bladeends. Under favorable conditions, slot dozing canincrease production up to 50 percent.11-14
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