The pedestal is free to rotate in the boom baseclevis, and the boom is free to swing up and down inthe pedestal; for example, the assembly is a universaljoint that permits the boom to be swung from side toside or raised and lowered. A clevis, welded to thebottom side of the boom tube, supports the piston endof the lift cylinder, and a clevis, welded to the right sideof the boom tube, supports the piston end of the swingcylinder.DUMP AND SWING ASSEMBLYThe hydraulically powered dump and swingassembly is used to support and position the drill guide.The assembly permits 180-degree drill guide dump and90-degree drill guide swing.GUIDE SWING AND EXTENSIONMOUNTINGThe hydraulically powered guide extensionassembly extends the drill guide for additional coverageor places the drill guide foot piece firmly against theground for additional stability.DRILL MOUNTINGThe drill mounting consists of the drill guide, drillmounting plate, centralizer/foot piece, feed chain, feedmotor assembly, and hose reel plate.Drill GuideThe upper end of the guide is fitted with a hydraulicfeed motor.A combination centralizer/foot piece isbolted to the lower end of the drill guide.Drill Mounting PlateThe drill is mounted on a drill mounting plate thatis clamped to and travels on the drill guide with the aidof four roller bearings.Feed ChainThe drill guide is fitted with a heavy-duty rollerchain for the drill mounting plate. The chain passes overa sprocket on the lower end of the guide and a drivesprocket in the feed motor on the upper end of the guide.The chain has two chain joints at both ends, connectedat the bottom of the mounting plate with a link joint.Feed Motor AssemblyThe hydraulically powered feed motor assembly,which incorporates a planetary gear drive unit, is boltedat the upper end of the drill guide. A brake valve isinstalled in the hydraulic circuit just before the hydraulicfeed motor. The brake valve absorbs the shock when thehydraulic feed motor receives a shock load and preventsspontaneous dropping of the drill. The feed motor feedsthe drill through the feed chain and drill mounting plateup and down the drill guide. The feed motor is capableof exerting a maximum pull up of 4,410 pounds.Hose Reel PlateAll the hoses for the drill are connected by way ofthe hose reel to the hose holder, which is attached to theright medium part of the drill guide.TRAVELINGTo travel the crawler-mounted rock drill over longdistances, place the drill guide in a horizontal position,as shown in figure 14-23. When traveling in a drillpattern, keep the drill guide in a vertical position.Traveling with the rock drill, using the trammingcontrol panel (fig. 14-24), is as follows:1. Forward: Push both tramming control leversforward.Figure 14-23.—Rock drill travel position.14-18
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