Figure 7-40.—Tailgate rigged for spreading operations.shift the truck into low gear and drive it slowly forwardwhile dumping, as shown in figure 7-40.The dump truck body can be held in any position byreturning the control lever to the HOLD position. Whendumping is completed, lower the body by returning thecontrol lever to the LOWERING position. Then closethe tailgate latches.The load in a dump truck should be distributedevenly. Heaped loads to the front put more strain on thehoist. Loads to one side can damage the hinge pins, thedump bed, or bend the truck chassis. Remember: If yourload should be distributed unevenly and dumped onuneven ground, you could find yourself in greatdifficulty, as shown in figure 7-41.Figure 7-41.—Hillside dumping hazard.Figure 7-42.—Watch for overhead obstructions.7-32
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