stack unit loads of supplies and equipment. Standardwarehouse forklifts have lifting capacities from 2,000 to15,000 pounds and lifting heights from 100 to 210inches.Warehouse forklifts are equipped with atelescopic mast that permits loads to be lifted beyond theheight of the collapsed mast. The height the forks canraise before the inner slides move upward from the mastand increase the overall height is called free lift.4K ROUGH-TERRAIN (RT) FORKLIFTThe 4K rough-terrain (RT) forklift (fig. 8-2) is adiesel engine-driven, rubber-tired, self-contained, ridertype of mechanized materials-handling vehicle. Theyare designed to lift loads of 4,000-pound capacity witha 24-inch load center to a maximum height of 100inches. The lifting forks are mounted on the front of thevehicle and the engine faces the rear. Controls foroperating the lifting forks (lifting, tilting, rotating, andside shifting) are located to the right when the operatoris sitting in the operator’s seat.The 4K (RT) forklift is designed for the loading andunloading of flatcars, flatbed trailers, cargo aircraft, andlanding craft. Additionally, the 4K (RT) is used forstocking, unstacking, and transporting heavy-cratedboxes, containers, and palletized loads of heavy equipmentand supplies over unprepared and unstable surfaces. Thisforklift is the primary forklift used in rough terrain, suchas a beach, in deep sand, or where the terrain is coveredwith ice, snow, or mud, or where hard standing is notavailable. The 4K (RT) forklift can be used both indoorsand outdoors and is capable of fording streams or pools ofwater up to 30 inches deep. This forklift can be transportedby tractor-trailer or by military aircraft.The 4K forklift may be driven to project sites underits own power without any special preparation; however,when performing the prestart operational check, youshould ensure the safety pin (fig. 8-3) is disengagedbefore operating. The safety pin prevents the forkliftFigure 8-3.—Safety pin location.Figure 8-2.—4K rough-terrain (RT) forklift.8-2
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