library. This library is normally located in the mechanicshop.Examinations and tests for military personnelapplying for a license to operate general-purposevehicles up to 10,000 pounds GVW are normallywaived if the applicant possesses a valid state operator’slicense for the type vehicle involved.Performance Qualification TestAll performance qualification tests on equipment,except for cranes, are given by the license examiner.This test enables the license examiner to evaluate theoperating skills of each applicant. The applicant mustsuccessfully pass an operational performance or roadtest and perform pre- and post-operator maintenance, asoutlined in the operator’s manual.The examiner should terminate any performancetest that becomes hazardous or when an applicantdemonstrates a lack of skill, undue nervousness,speeding, inattentiveness, or any unfavorable actions.Any reason for failure is noted on the application andfiled in the license file of the applicant.Automotive TestApplicants for a U.S. Government Motor VehicleOperator’s Identification Card, OF-346, must pass alocally created driver skill test. This test is a locallydevised checklist used to determine the reaction of theapplicant under various traffic conditions. The road testis administered in the largest capacity vehicle for whichthe license is to be issued.Material-Handling Equipment TestApplicants for material-handling equipment (MHE)licenses are operationally tested and scored asprescribed in Storage and Materials Handling,DODINST 4145.19-R-1.Construction Equipment TestApplicants for a Construction Equipment OperatorLicense, NAVFAC 11260/2, must be familiar with thestandard Navy hand signals before taking a performancequalification test. Hand signals are shown in appendixIV of this TRAMAN.LICENSE FORMSAfter an applicant satisfactorily completes therequired tests, the examiner issues a license that listseach type of vehicle the license holder is authorizedto operate, plus any restrictions imposed on thelicense.U.S. Government Motor VehicleOperator’s Identification Card, OF-346The OF-346 (fig. 6-4) is the license required forautomotive motor vehicles and material-handlingequipment.The information on an OF-346, that hasbeen completed and validated properly, consists of thefollowing:a card number, a list of the operator’sphysical limitations or restrictions, a description of theequipment the operator is qualified to operate, thesignature of the examiner, the operator’s signature, andany specific notations. The OF-346 expires on the birthdate of the operator and is valid for 3 years.The OF-346 card number is also indicated on theOperator’s Record, NAVFAC 11240/10, or NAVFACFigure 6-4.-U.S. Government Motor Vehicle Operator’s Identification Card, OF-346.6-7
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