collection or diversion of wash water frommixer equipment.At the plant, flush a minimum of 150 to 250 gallonsof water, depending on the size of the mixer, into thedrum. With the flushed water in the drum, rotate thedrum in the mixing direction for a few minutes, thendischarge the flushed water at the maximum drum rpm.Complete the cleaning of the mixer, particularly aroundthe discharge end.Never pound the bottom of the drum to loosenmaterials, since this procedure may cause dents andbumps in which concrete and cement can stick. Duringcold weather, the water tank, pump, and lines must bedrained to prevent possible damage from freezing.The mixing blades inside the drum must be keptclean and free of built-up concrete. If not cleanedproperly, the blades in the drum will wear down and thiscan result in improper mixing. If this occurs, the bladesshould be either changed or built up by using hardfacingprocedures.If a minor repair is required on a loaded transitmixer, take the TM to the shop for a quick fix. If thedowntime is going to be for more than an hour, mix in5 pounds of sugar or concrete retarder to keep theconcrete from setting up inside the truck.NOTE: A small amount of sugar (5 pounds) acts asa retarder; however, a large amount will act as anaccelerator.If a quick fix is not possible, the concrete must beremoved as quickly as possible. Either check for ahydraulic adapter, which can be hooked up to anotherTM to operate the drum to discharge the concrete, orremove the access hatch from the drum, roll the drumuntil the access hatch is facing down, and washout theconcrete mix, if possible.SafetyLike most construction equipment, transit mixers,when not operated safely, can injure or kill personneland damage property. As a TM operator, keep in mindthe following guidelines:l Transit mixers have a high center of gravity.Their stability is further decreased by the weight of theload. Use extreme caution when traveling over uneventerrain.. Always use caution and a signalman whenbacking on a jobsite.l Remember to secure the discharge chute properlywith the chute locked to the right side of the truck fortravel.. Make sure the mixer is stopped before makingadjustments.l Observe environmental regulations concerningdisposal of waste and wash water from mixers.. Avoid prolonged skin contact with concrete orcement.MOBILE CONCRETE MIXER PLANTThe mobile concrete mixer plant, sometimes calleda crete mobile, is a combination material transporterand mobile concrete mixing plant (fig. 14-3). In theNCF, the unit is mounted on a trailer that carriessufficient unmixed materials, such as cement, sand,coarse aggregates, water, and any chemicals required,for special mix specifications to the jobsite.OPERATIONThe trailer-mounted crete mobile carries thecement, sand, and coarse aggregates in divided bins,mounted on the unit. The cement is carried in a separatebin, located across the rear of the unit, and the sand andaggregate are carried on each side of the unit. Water iscarried in a single tank, mounted in front of theaggregate bins, and is pumped to the mix auger.Sand and aggregates are proportioned accurately byweight or volume and dropped simultaneously with amixture of cement from the material feed system intothe charging end of the mix auger/conveyor at the rearof the unit. At this point, a predetermined amount ofwater enters the mix auger. This action of the combinedauger and paddle homogenizer mixes the ingredientsand water rapidly, thoroughly, and continuously toproduce a continuous flow of uniformed qualityconcrete.The mixing action is a continuous process that canproceed until the aggregate bins are empty. On theother hand, mixing and delivery may be stopped at anytime and then started again at the will of the operator.This permits production to be balanced to thedemands of the placing and finishing crews and otherjob requirements.NOTE: When cleaning the crete mobile, you mustcycle the auger to remove all sand, aggregate, andcement. Excess material in the bin and auger willharden and freeze the components.14-3
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