preferably round-bottomed, and large enough to guardagainst overflow (fig. 14-2).The maximum or minimum slope should bedetermined by the condition of the concrete asdischarged from the chute. Quality control personnelon the jobsite should provide guidance in this area.When possible, you should install a downpipe onthe end of the chute to help keep the concrete fromsegregating when coming off the end of the chute.OPERATIONBe sure to read the operator’s manual for the typeof concrete mixer you are operating.Give specialattention to the following:3. Check the water tank and meter valves of theon-board water system for the following: operatingcondition, clean tank, and all valves are clear.CleaningGive special care to cleaning the transit mixer. Atthe beginning of each workday, the mixer should becoated with form oil to prevent cement and concretefrom sticking to the paint or bare metal. After the loadof concrete is discharged from the mixer, the operatorshould wash off all excess concrete in the mixer drumand blades, the discharge chute opening, and thedischarge chute before it has a chance to harden.Spraying 15 to 25 gallons of water into the drum whileit is rotating will clean the inside of the drum as well asremove all grout which may have collected in the waternozzle during discharge. A washdown hose is providedon the mixer to clean areas accessible from the outside.1. Ensure the chain drip oiler is filled and turnedon at the beginning of operation.CAUTION2. Check the oil level in the hydrostatic drive unitConsult your supervisor about anyat the sight glass.environmental regulations that requireFigure 14-2.-Chutes used for discharging concrete.14-2
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