Assignment 4Textbook Assignment:“Measurement and Pressure Control Devices,” Chapter 8:“Reservoirs, Strainers, Filters, and Accumulators,” chapter 9;and “Actuators,” chapter 10.4-1.4-2.Learning Objective:Recognizethe construction, operationalcharacteristics, and uses ofdifferent types of fluid pressureindicators,thermometers, andcontrol switches.The pressure sensing elements ofBourdon-tube gauges are commonlymade in which of the followingshapes?1.The letter C2.Helical3.Spiral4.All of the aboveWhich, if any, of the followingstatements correctly explains theaction of a C-shaped Bourdontube? force of fluidflowing through the curvedtube causes it to straightenoutPressure applied to the tubecauses its cross section tobecome more circular, causingIt to straighten outPressure applied to the tubecauses its cross section tobecome more circular, causingit to contractNone of the above4-3.A duplex Bourdon gauge iscomposed indicator dependent uponboth of two separatemechanisms2.two separate and independentmechanisms and mechanism with oneindicator showing currentpressure and a secondindicator showing the maximumpressure mechanism with oneindicator showing pressure inpounds per square inch (psi)and a second indicatorshowing the load on a ram intons4-4.A Bourdon-tube differentialpressure gauge is composed indicator dependent uponboth of two separatemechanisms2.two separate and independentmechanisms and mechanism with oneindicator showing currentpressure and the secondindicator showing the maximumpressure mechanism with oneindicator which can registerpressure either above orbelow atmospheric pressure4-5.Which of the following gauges canbe used to measure thedifferential pressure across astrainer?1.Duplex gauge2.Differential pressure gauge3.Both 1 and 2 above4.Compound gauge24
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