4-34.4-35.4-36.4-37.Learning Objective:Recognizethe types of fluid poweractuating devices and identifyconstruction features, uses, andoperating characteristics ofvarious types of actuatingcylinders.What component of a fluid powersystem converts fluid power intomechanical force and motion?1.Pump2.Valve3.Actuator4.SolenoidWhat actuating devices arecommonly used in fluid powersystems?1.Turbines2.Motors3.Cylinders4.All of the aboveA cylinder is identified as a ramtype if its1.piston rod diameter is lessthan one-half of the diameterof the piston2.piston rod area is less thanOn-half the area of it3.area is more than one-half ofthe area of the piston rod4.piston rod cross-sectionalarea exceeds one-half of thecross-sectional area of thepistonRam-type sinqle-acting cylindersare designed for which type offunctions?1.Push functions where springsassist the functions2.Pull functions where springsassist the functions3.Push functions where returnaction depends on springs orgravity4.Pull functions where returnaction depends on springs orgravity4-38.4-39.Four-way control valves arenormally used to control theactions of the1.single–acting ram2.double-acting ram3.sinqle-acting ram through twoports4.double–acting ram using equalpressure on all valvesurfacesRefer to figure 10-2 of yourtextbook.Why does the extensionstroke exert a greater force thanthe retraction stroke?1.The pressure is much greaterfor the extension stroke2.The bottom of the ram has alarger surface area than thelip3.Both pressure and surfacearea are greater for theextension stroke4.The extension stroke isusually assisted by gravityIN QUESTIONS 4-40 THROUGH 4-42 SELECTFROM COLUMN B AN APPLICATON OF EACHTYPE OF ACTUATING CYLINDER LISTED INCOLUMN A.A. CYLINDER TYPESB. APPLICATIONS4-40.Sinqle–acting.1.Dump trucksspring-loadedpiston2.Ships’ steer.ing systems4-41.Telescoping ram3.Anchor wind-4-42.Dual ramlass4.Carrier air-craft arrest-ing hooks4-43.The piston-type cylinder has across-sectional area thatmeasures more than twice thecross-sectional area of itspiston rod.1.True2.False28
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