Assignment 5Textbook Assignment:“Pneumatics,” chapter 11; “Basic Diagrams and Systems,”chapter 12; chapters 9 and 10.Learning Objective:Recall factspertaining to the development ofgases and the characteristics ofgases.5-1.5-2Pneumatic power is most commonlyused in complex systems.1.True2.FalseWhich of the followingcharacteristics is/are true forgases?1.They have no definite volume2.They have no definite shape3.Gases are lighter than equalvolumes of liquids4.All of the aboveLearning Objective:Relate thecommon temperature scales byconverting temperature readingsbetween them.5-7.Which of the follownig statementsis true concerning absolute zero? is the temperature atwhich no heat remains in agas but not the lowesttemperature obtainableIt was attained only once, atwhich time the absolute zeropoint of -273.16°C wasdeterminedIt is the temperature atwhich all molecular activityin a substance ceasesIt is the temperature towhich liquids, solids, andgases can be reduced and atwhich most molecular activityceasesIN ANSWERING QUESTIONS 1-8 THROUGH 5-12REFER TO FIGURE 11-1 IN YOUR TEXTBOOK.5-8.IN ANSWERING QUESTIONS 5-3 THROUGH 5-6,SELECT FROM COLUMN B THE TEMPERATURETHAT CORRESPONDS TO THE ABSOLUTE ZEROTEMPERATURE FOR EACH OF THE SCALES INCOLUMN A.A.SCALESB.TEMPERATURES5-3.Celsius1.-460°2.-273°5-4.Fahrenheit5-5.Kelvin3. 0°5-6.Rankine5-9.5-10.What is the Celsius scaleequivalent of 68°F?1.5.7°C20.O°C2.3.37.7°C4.52.0°CWhat is the Kelvin scaleequivalent of 68°F?1.253°K273°K2.3.293°K4.341°KWhat is the Rankine scaleequivalent of 68°F?1.341°R2.441°R3.460°R4.528°R32
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