5-22.Four cubic feet of a gas at 40°Fhas a gauge pressure of 100 psig.If the volume of the gas isexpanded to 6 cubic feet and thegas heated to a temperature of90°F, what will the new gaugepressure be?1.67.9 psig2.69.4 psig3.71.5 psig4.73.6 psigLearning Objective:Recognizecharacteristics of gases used inpneumatic systems, safetyprecautions for handlingcompressed gas, and color codesof compressed gas cylinders.5-23.In addition to being nonpoisonousand free from any acids thatmight cause system corrosion, thegas used as the fluid medium fora pneumatic system must possesswhich of the followingcharacteristics?1.Nonflammability2.Chemical stability3.Ready availability4.All of the above5-24.The gases used in Navy pneumaticsystems are similar to theliquids used in hydraulicsystems, except that the gasesare not1.acid free2.nontoxic3.good lubricants4.chemically stable5-25.What characteristic of compressedair makes it undesirable as amedium for pneumatic systems?1.Its toxicity2.Its flammability3.Its moisture content4.Its lubricating qualities5-26.In all compressed air systems,the compressor, due to theunlimited supply of air, isinstalled in the distributionlines leading to the device to beoperated.5-27.Which of the following statementsis NOT true of LP air systems?1.The LP air system is suppliedwith LP air by LP aircompressors2.The LP air system is suppliedwith air by the HP air systemsupplying air through apressure-reducing station3.The LP air system is suppliedwith air by the MP air systemsupplying air through apressure-reducing station4.LP compressed air is used inthe production of nitrogen5-28.Why is the use of nitrogenpreferred over the use ofcompressed air in many aircraftand missile pneumatic systems?1.Nitrogen cannot supportliving organisms2.Nitrogen cannot supportcombustion and fire3.Nitrogen does not cause rustor decay of the surfaces withwhich it comes in contact4.All of the above5-29.Which of the following steps cana maintenance person take tocontrol contamination ofpneumatic systems?1.Install an air filter in thesupply line2.Keep all tools and the workair clean and dirt free3.Cap or plug all lines andfittings immediately afterdisconnecting them4.Both 2 and 3 above5-30.You must NEVER use the contentsof a cylinder identified by whichof the following color codes forpurging an oxygen system?1.Gray2.Black3.One black stripe around itstop4.One green stripe around itstop1.True2.False34
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