QUESTIONS 5-52 THROUGH 5-55, SELECT FROMCOLUMN B THE HYDRAULIC POWER DRIVESYSTEM COMPONENT TO WHICH EACH STATEMENTIN COLUMN A APPLIES.A.STATEMENTS B.COMPONENTS5-52.It can be an1.A- endelectric motor2.B-end5-53.It is a hydraulicmotor mover3.Prime5-54.It is a hydraulicpump5-55.It can be a gaso-line enigineREFER TO FIGURE 12-5 IN YOUR TEXTBOOK INANSWERING QUESTIONS 5-56 THROUGH 5-62.5-56.The forward shaft of the primemover drives which of thefollowing components?1.The hydraulic pump2.The hydraulic motor3.The auxiliary pumps4.All of the above5-57.What type of pump is the A-endpump of this power drive?1.Axial-flow variable-displacement2.Radial-flow variable-displacement3.Axial-flow constant-displacement4.Radial-flow constant-displacement5-58.Which of the following statementsis true concerning the operationof the A-end?1.Its output is variablebecause it is driven at avariable speed2.Its output is constantbecause it is driven at aconstant speed3.Its output is variable eventhough it is driven at aconstant speed4.Its output is constant eventhough it is driven at avariable speedIN QUESTIONS 5-59 THROUGH 5-62, SELECTFROM COLUMN B THE AUXILIARY PUMP THATPERFORMS EACH FUNCTION LISTED IN COLUMNA.A.FUNCTIONSB.PUMPS5-59.Transmits a puls-1.Replen-ing effect to theishingfluid in the res-ponse pressure2.sumppump5-60.Replaces fluid inandthe active systemsoscil-of the power drivelator5-61.Supplies high-3.Controlpressure fluid topresthe various pistonssurein the system5-62.Pumps leakage to theexpansion tank5-63.What function(s) does thereservoir provide?1.A method of cleansing andstoring fluid2.A reserve supply of fluid3.A cooling surface for thefluid4.Both 2 and 3 aboveREFER TO FIGURE 12-6 IN YOUR TEXTBOOK INAWSWERING QUESTIONS 5-64 AND 5-65.5-64.How is the tilting boxpositioned?1.Locally by the strokecontrol shaft2.Automatically by the strokecontrol shaft3.Mechanically by hand control4.By each of the above means5-65.The tilting box will not moveunder which of the conditionslisted below?1.IHP = 385 psi, HPC =900psi2.IHP = 500 psi, HPC = 1000psi3.IHP = 750 psi, HPC =750psi4.IHP = 800 psi, HPC = 1000psi37
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