FOR. QUESTIONS 5-42 THROUGH 5-45, SELECTFROM COLUMN B THE DIAGRAM THAT ISDEFINED IN COLUMN A.A.DEFINITIONSB.DIAGRAMS5-42.Shows the intern- 1.Combina-al parts of thetioncomponents2.Pictorial5-43.Shows the generallocation of3.Graphiccomponents4.Cutaway5-44.Uses symbols,shows actualappearance, andshows internalworking part5-45.Uses symbols toshow components5-46.Which of the following diagramsincludes the interconnectingsystem piping?1.Combination2.Pictorial3.Graphic4.Each of the above5-47.Which, if any, of the followingdiagrams contains pipe sizes anddata on the sequence of systemoperation?1.Combination2.Pictorial3.Graphic4.None of the above5-48.A schematic diagram of ahydraulic system enables amechanic to accomplish which ofthe following tasks?1.Understand the operation ofthe system2.Identify components of thesystem3.Trace the flow of fluidthrough the system4.All of the above5-49.Which of the followingstatements about an oper-centerhydraulic system is false?1.The directional controlvalves are connected inparallel2.There is no pressure in thesystem when the actuatorsare idle3.The system may have anynumber of subsystems with adirectional control valves,for each4.The pump circulates fluidfrom the reservoir, throughthe directional controlvalves, and back to thereservoir5-50.Why are closed-center hydraulicsystems the most widely usedsystems.?1.They provide smoothoperation of their actuators2.They eliminate continuoussystem pressurization3.They operate very rapidly4.They do all of the aboveLearning Objective:RecognizeNavy applications, componentfunctions. constructionfeatures, and operatingcharacteristics of hydraulicpower drive systems.5-51.Hydraulic power drives are usedin the Navy to perform which ofthe following functions?1.Drive and control winches,capstans ,and windlasses2.Train and elevate nearly allcalibers of guns3.Position rocket and missilelaunchers4.All of the above36
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